Lord of the Rings Trivia
In The Two Towers, who is Saruman’s spy in Rohan?
A. Sauron
B. Lurtz
C. Grima Wormtongue
D. Morgoth
2. What is the name of Galadriel's father?
A. Lindir
B. Finrod
C. Guilin
D. Finarfin
3. Which ring did Galadriel have?
A. Vilya
B. The Precious
C. Ring of Barahir
D. Nenya
4. Treebeard is a mighty character who assists in the battle against Isengard. What race is Treebeard?
A. Orc
B. Elf
C. Ent
D. Dwarf
5. How many Rings of Power were given to the kingdom of Men?
A. 1
B. 9
C. 3
D. 5
6. What is Gandalf's sword called?
A. Glamdring
B. Morgul-Blad
C. Anduril
D. Narsil
7. What is the name of Frodo’s sword, given to him by Bilbo?
A. Orcrist
B. Anduril
C. Sting
D. Glamdring
8. Which 'Lord of the Rings' character has the alias Strider?
A. Legolas
B. Bilbo
C. Gollum
D. Aragorn
9. The name of Gandalf’s horse is:
A. Nightrider
B. Mr. Oats
C. Shadowfax
D. Lil’ Jimbo
10. The only way to destroy the Ring of Power is to throw it into the fires of _________?
A. Insengard
B. Minas Tirith
C. Mount Doom
D. Angmar