Famous Christmas Characters

  1. Which Disney character plays the role of “Ebenezer Scrooge” in Mickey's Christmas Carol?

    A. Mickey Mouse

    B. Goofy

    C. Scrooge McDuck

    D. Lydia Deetz

    2. What other name is Santa Claus NOT known by?

    A. Kris Kringle

    B. St. Nick

    C. Jack Frost

    D. Father Christmas

    3. What kind of animal does the Grinch’s have for a pet?

    A. Reindeer

    B. Crocodile

    C. Horse

    D. Dog

    4. What is the name of the mythical figure that has horns and punishes naughty children at Christmas time?

    A. Lucifer

    B. The Grinch

    C. Krampus

    D. Heatmiser

    5. What is the vehicle called that takes children to the North Pole on Christmas Eve ?

    A. Polar Express

    B. Santa’s Sleigh

    C. Rudolph’s Rocket

    D. Frosty’s Snowmobile

    6. What Christmas decoration is actually a parasitic plant?

    A. Holly

    B. Fir tree

    C. Poinsettia

    D. Mistletoe

    7. How many ghosts visit Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens?

    A. One

    B. Two

    C. Three

    D. Four

    8. What famous Christmas character was created as a marketing promotion for a department store in 1939?

    A. Frosty the Snowman

    B. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

    C. Buddy the Elf

    D. Santa Claus

    9. In the famous Christmas poem “Twas the night before Christmas,” what are the children dreaming of?

    A. Santa Claus

    B. Presents

    C. Sugar plums

    D. Candy canes

    10. What was Frosty the Snowman’s nose made out of?

    A. A Piece of Coal

    B. A Button

    C. A Carrot

    D. A Corn Cob Pipe