Mythological Creatures Trivia

1. This half-man, half-bull beast was kept in a labyrinth on Crete.

A. Minotaur

B. Chimera

C. Centaur

D. Scylla

2. In Egypt, this beast had the body of a lion and the head of a man; in Greece, it had the breasts and head of a woman and wings. It’s called a:

A. Basilisk

B. Sphinx

C. Chimera

D. Dragon

3. The original hound from hell, this canine-creature had three heads, a tail and mane of snakes, and guarded the entrance to Hades.

A. Basilisk

B. Cerberus

C. Hydra

D. Minotaur

4. In Greek mythology, this part woman and part bird creature was called:

A. Hydra

B. Cerberus

C. Harpy

D. Scylla

5. The flying horse of Greek mythology is called a _______.

A. Unicorn

B. Bellerophon

C. Pegasus

D. Thestral

6. Found mostly in Irish mythology, this ghostly female apparition is known for their screaming and wailing:

A. Keener

B. Wraith

C. Banshee

D. None of the above

7. The creature with the head and torso of a beautiful woman and the bottom of a fish is called a _________ .

A. Harpy

B. Mermaid

C. Sphinx

D. Satyr

8. The immortal creatures of Tolkien fame are thought to be tall, beautiful, and intelligent. They are called ___________.

A. Ents

B. Elves

C. Dwarves

D. Balrogs

9. Which creature is used to symbolize new life or renewal?

A. Vampire

B. Phoenix

C. Gryphon

D. Helios

10. This legendary creature roamed the forest of Europe and never was tamed. It had a single magical horn growing from its head

A. Unicorn

B. Pegasus

C. Minotaur

D. Griffin