Harry Potter Trivia

  1. How many Horcruxes did Voldemort create?

    A. 2

    B. 5

    C. 7

    D. 6

    2. What is the primary ingredient in Polyjuice potion?

    A. The hair of the person you want to transform into

    B. The toenail of the person you want to transform into

    C. A clothing item of your worst enemy

    D. A picture of a family member

    3. What is the name of the magical map that shows the entire layout of Hogwarts?

    A. Mapquest

    B. The Atlas Maior

    C. Gerardus Mercator

    D. Marauder’s Map

    4. What kind of wood is Harry's first wand made out of?

    A. Unicorn blood

    B. Owl feather

    C. Holly

    D. Cat hair

    5. What is Professor McGonagall’s animagus?

    A. A golden wolf

    B. A black dog

    C. A silver tabby cat

    D. A yellow tree frog

    6. What is Hermione’s patronus?

    A. A deer

    B. An otter

    C. A mouse

    D. A frog

    7. Who anonymously sends Harry his father's Invisibility Cloak on Christmas?

    A. Severus Snape

    B. Albus Dumbledore

    C. Rubeus Hagrid

    D. Lily Potter

    8. What potion gives good luck to those who drink it?

    A. Felix Felicis

    B. Accio

    C. Amortentia

    D. Elixir of Life

    9. What teleportation magic do sixth-years learn at Hogwarts?

    A. Elevation

    B. Apparition

    C. Dragon riding

    D. Telepathy

    10. Who was Harry's partner during the charms lesson in which they were learning the spell Wingardium Leviosa?

    A. Seamus

    B. Ron

    C. Neville

    D. Hermione